Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher

Michigan Ongoing Health and Safety Training Refresher 2024 (Refresher 2024) is available online. This FREE, 2 hour training meets the ongoing health and safety training requirement for child care providers.
woman taking online training
Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher
Take the free, 2-hour refresher course to meet the annual ongoing health and safety requirement.

Registering For Refresher 2024

This training is an interactive online training. Your learning will be assessed throughout the training. This training covers the following topics:

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid for Infants, Children, and Adults (does not include certification)
  • Recognition and Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome, Abusive Head Trauma, and Child Maltreatment

You can register for this training by visiting either the MiRegistry Statewide Training Calendar or Michigan Virtual Professional Learning Portal. For step-by-step instructions, review the Navigating to the Michigan Ongoing Health and Safety Training Refresher 2024 Course guide.

Learn More About Registering for Refresher 2024

Please Note: This online training is facilitated by Michigan Virtual. For questions about accessing this training in Michigan Virtual, creating a Michigan Virtual account, or navigating the Professional Learning Portal contact Michigan Virtual.

Michigan Virtual has Customer Care Hours Monday – Friday: 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Users may call 888-889-2840 or submit a support ticket for assistance.

Helpful Tips and Links For Refresher 2024

MiRegistry and Michigan Virtual are working together to ensure that navigating to, registering for, and successfully completing Refresher 2024 is a seamless experience. We have compiled a list of frequently visited links and helpful tips that will help you!
This document can either be printed or saved to your computer as the links are presented as QR codes and hyperlinked text.
Michigan Ongoing Health & Safety Training Refresher 2024: Helpful Links and Tips

Checking Attendance Records

After you complete this training, you should see the course move from Active Courses to Completed Courses on your PLP Dashboard.
You should also be sure to review the Training page of your MiRegistry Profile to ensure the training is listed as VERIFIED.  Review the Health and Safety Verification guide for more information.
  1. Log in to your MiRegistry Profile.
  2. Click on the TRAINING tab at the top of your screen (shown above).
  3. Find the Michigan Ongoing Health and Safety Training Refresher 2024 and make sure it is listed as VERIFIED (shown above).
If you don’t see the training verified on your training tab, you can check to see that you have completed the course by clicking on the “Check Completion Status” in the course module. This will indicate whether you are complete or incomplete. If incomplete, there will be a list of any activities that are incomplete. You can then go to each activity and complete it.